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Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program.

Take an accelerated pathway towards mastery in your Blogging journey and leverage it to create impact, influence and income.


I am Dr. Maharaja SivaSubramanian N. I am Blogger, Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Trainer, Mentor and  Investor.

Now, before we proceed further, I will like to ask you few questions?

  • Are you interested to learn about blogging?
  • Do you want to understand how blogging can help you to create impact, influence, income?
  • Do you want to learn how you can leverage blogging for your current business or new business?
  • Do you want to gain mastery as a blogger?

Then continue reading on about the program.

Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program.

Take an accelerated pathway towards mastery in your Blogging journey and leverage it to create impact, influence and income.

In this program you are going to learn about:

  • How to accelerate your blogging journey. 
  • And much more. 


Pre-requisite: Attending Blogging Fundamentals Program is required before attending Blogging Mastery (Accelerate Program).

Why Blogging?

Here are some questions you may have:

  • Why Blogging?
  • Why should I blog? 
  • And What will it help me with?
  • What problems and challenges will it help me resolve?
  • What are the goals and dreams it will help me to achieve?

So, let’s look at them now.

Blogging is one of the most wonderful methodologies to accomplish a lot of goals and dream outcomes that you may have while overcoming a lot of challenges. Let me share a few with you and you can tell me if it is resonating with you. 

When it comes to individuals or businesses alike, they want the following results:

  • Establish an online presence. 
  • Have increased visibility for their products, services, brand, business, and offers.
  • Increase reach and engagement with their target audience. 
  • Generate more leads.
  • Have higher conversions in sales. 
  • Demonstrate credibility and authority while building trust and rapport. 
  • Be able to position themselves, their brand, their offer (service, product) as the industry leader. 
  • Generate another income source.  
  • Develop and improve communication. 
  • Be able to create impact. 
  • Create opportunities for networking and collaboration. 
  • Develop creativity and critical thinking.
  • Create information assets which can be used to create SOPs, Training Materials, Customer Education materials, Info-products. 
  • Develop retention and loyalty with their audience and customers.
  • Develop and deliver value. 
  • Improve SEO results and get more traffic for free from search engines. 
  • Share your thoughts and ideas. 
  • Stand-out and differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace. 
  • Develop passion projects into full-fledged business. 
  • And much more. 

These are all the outcomes that can be achieved through blogging.

Are there other methods to accomplish the same outcomes? The answer is yes.

However, blogging is one of the best methods which can help you progress towards these results in a much faster, cheaper, and easier way while also ensuring less cost in terms of time, money, and effort as compared to other methods. 

And to support you in the journey of blogging is the major purpose why  I came up with the following programs.

Blogging Fundamentals Program is where you start from.
And then, the next step in gaining mastery is Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program.

And that is what we will be diving deep in terms of understanding and working on in this program. 

Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program.

Take an accelerated pathway towards mastery in your Blogging journey and leverage it to create impact, influence and income.

What’s special about Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program?

At the end of the program, 

  • You would have taken the next set of steps in learning beyond the fundamentals towards mastery as a blogger. 
  • Practical strategies on how you can implement blogging to accomplish the results right during the program itself.
  • How to overcome the potential challenges and roadblocks you may have in your blogging journey. 
  • And in our one-to-one mentoring calls, we will work on creating a fundamental systems for your own blogging journey which will be customized for your goals.
  • And much more. 

Let me re-introduce myself over here.

I am Dr. Maharaja SivaSubramanian N. I am a Blogger, Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Trainer, Mentor and Investor. 

I am a Blogger with more than a decade of blogging experience and expertise. And Blogging is a very integral part of life and my business. 

And most of the outcomes I had listed which individuals and businesses look for are also the same which I looked for in my blogging journey. And I have been quite successful in accomplishing a lot of them and also having my own share of ups and downs during this journey. And I will be sharing some of the best lessons and best practices from my journey with you in this program. 

If you want to learn the fundamentals of blogging and leverage it to create impact, influence and income, then the Blogging Fundamentals Program is a wonderful opportunity for you.

The following are some of the benefits and outcomes the Blogging Fundamentals program has to offer:

A framework to easily create your content system.

Content system for:

Creating Awareness about your brand, your offer, your product/service, etc.

The content resource to create years worth of social media content.

And to take it to the next level towards mastery in an accelerated manner, Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program is a wonderful opportunity for you.

Who is the Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program for?

Are you a:

? Entrepreneur, Solopreneur, Startup Founder?
? Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Online Business Owner, Digital Nomad, Polymath?
? Business Owner, Business Leader?
? Founder CEO, C-Suite Executive?
? Self-Employed Professional, Freelancer, Service Provider?
? Blogger, Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Trainer, Mentor, Subject Matter Expert?
? Affiliate Marketer, Community Builder?
? Others interested in blogging too.

Then, This program is for you if:

  • You are interested to accelerate your blogging journey.
  • You would like to gain mastery and also learn and apply about how to leverage blogging to create impact, influence and income.
  • And are ready to invest the time and effort required for the learning and homework. 

This program is not for you if:

  • You can’t invest the time and effort required for the learning and homework. 
  • And if you are looking for a quick rich method.


This program is not just creating impact, influence and income.
It’s also about your dream. And how you can leverage blogging for making your dreams into your reality.


With the advent of AI and Gig Economy, a new set of opportunities has started showing up globally for certain individuals and businesses.

Similarly, with increasing marketing costs, and some markets becoming even more crowded than before, a new set of challenges have been started showing up for certain individuals and businesses.

So, is there a way to make the most of new opportunities and also to overcome the new set of challenges?

Blogging is definitely one of the best ways to do it.

And that’s why this program will be one of the most important ones for you to attend.

Program Details of the Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program.

Here are some details about the program. More details will be added soon. 

  The program will have a healthy mix of theory and practical. 

  • There will be 40 hours of virtual group training.
  • And approximately 30+ hours of homework. 
  • And two hours of one to one mentoring calls.
  • To ensure as much individual attention possible, the group will be in small batches. 

What are the topics that will be discussed in the Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program?

The following are some of the modules we will be having in the program:

  • Analytics Basics for Blogs.
  • Basic Plugins for Bloggers.
  • Basic SEO tools for Blog Optimization.
  • Basic Video Creation for Blogs.
  • Basic Visuals Creation for Blogs.
  • Blog and Social Media Integration.
  • Blog Design Fundamentals.
  • Blog Monetization Frameworks.
  • Blog Titles and Structure.
  • Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.
  • Blogging and Community Building.
  • Blogging for Business.
  • Blogging for Personal Branding.
  • Blogging for Personal Development.
  • Content Calendar for Blogs.
  • Content Creation Frameworks.
  • Content Repurposing.
  • Content Syndication Fundamentals.
  • Crafting effective call-to-actions.
  • Email List Building Fundamentals.
  • Email marketing Fundamentals.
  • Goal Setting for Blogging.
  • Meta Descriptions for Blogs.
  • SEO for Blog for Beginners.
  • Starting a Blog.
  • Storytelling in Blogging.
  • Time Management for Bloggers.
  • And much more.

Why should you join the program?

Here are some benefits:

  • Comprehensive program.
  • Theory + Practical sessions.
  • Group sessions + One to One support sessions. 

What’s included in the Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) Program?

  • Blogging Mastery (Accelerate) group sessions. (Value : 3,00,000 INR). 
    • 40 Hours of Live training and support calls. 
    • 30+ Hours of Homework.
    • Blogging related templates.
      • Content Calendar Template.
      • Blog Strategy Template. 
  • One to One Mentoring Support sessions. (4 hours) (Value: 4,00,000 INR).
  • Blogathon. (Value: 1,00,000 INR).
    • A 3×4 hours group blogging session (modeled like a hackathon). (3 sessions of 4 hours each).
  • Group Support Calls and Follow-up. (Value: 1,00,000).
    • 6×60 minutes calls which will be happening over 3 months after the course completion (for additional support). (6 sessions of 60 minutes each).
  • Bonus: Modules on lead generation, marketing, sales, business growth, etc. (Value: 2,00,000 INR).
  • Bonus: Modules on integrating your online presence with your blog, networking, etc. (Value: 1,00,000 INR).
  • Bonus: 4 x 40 minutes one to one support session to review your blogs and online presence. (Value: 3,00,000 INR).

Total Value : 15,00,000 INR.

Special (Limited time) Program Fee: 8,00,000 INR. (plus taxes as applicable).

Special New Year Offer:

Till March 31st, 2024 : 5,00,000 INR. (plus taxes as applicable).

Early Bird Offer:

Till February 29th, 2024 : 3,00,000 INR. (plus taxes as applicable).

(Continue reading for Super Early Bird Offer)

Super Early Bird Offer:

Till February 15th, 2023 : 1,00,000 INR. (plus taxes as applicable).

Do sign up for my email newsletter for regular updates and information about the upcoming batches (and other updates too).

Q: When is the next batch starting?
A: New batch starts almost every month.

Q: How do the sessions happen?
A: Online meetings.

Q: Will recordings be available?
A; No, the sessions are live. The training recordings will not be provided.

Q: Is there a money back guarantee?
A: We don’t have a money back guarantee. However, if you are not sure if this will be the right program for you, we can discuss regarding the same in the networking call.

Q: Will this program work for me?
A: Depends. One of the major factors which determine how well a program like this will work for anyone is how much the individual is also applying the learning. And another factor is how much of personalized attention and support is being provided, to ensure which is why the batches are kept in smaller size to provide higher levels of personalized attention and support.

Q: I am a Business owner. I want my entire marketing and sales team to get trained in blogging. How do we go about it?
A: Wonderful. Yes, we can discuss and create separate batches for your marketing and sales team if you want a customized training for them.

Q: Are the classes only theory based? What support is provided? 
A: The classes are a healthy mix of theory, practical and support. We will be having theory sessions where we will cover different theory. Then, there are practical sessions where we work on a step-by-step manner. And there are implementation calls which are basically silent implementation where we all get online together and implement. And finally, there are support calls which is all about Q&A based on your implementation and support needed. 


Do sign up for my email newsletter for regular updates and information about the upcoming batches (and other updates too).

If you have gone through all the details in this page and want to join the program?
Then, schedule your call now to know more about the program and to join the program.

Want to schedule a networking call to discuss?

Do sign up for my email newsletter for regular updates and information about the upcoming batches (and other updates too).